Merits of using renewable sources for energy have received global acceptance. Global investment in renewable in 2016 ($286 billion), far surpassing investment in fossil fuels ($130 billion) clearly portrays the future of renewable energy in the world. And among different types of renewable energy, solar energy is quickly introducing itself as the perfect alternative for conventional energy by becoming the most feasible, easy to install, and low maintenance system.
In India, there is a lot of support for solar development. And the country’s current grid connected capacity (approximately 9 GW), serves as a testimony to the efforts made. However, some rumors have still managed to creep in and create confusion through mis-information about solar energy and its usage. Let us introduce five of these rumors to facts, and extract the truth.
Myth No 1: Solar Powered Devices Do Not Work At Night
Solar panels harness energy from the sunrays. So, technically, they do not work at night. But, there is no reason why you cannot use solar energy at night. Energy storage technology has flourished with continuous development of solar panel technology. So, now consumers can generate and save solar energy during the day time, and use it during the night. And as the Sun never ever skips a day, this energy generation and usage cycle will keep repeating everyday, satisfying your energy requirements.
Myth No 2: Solar Panels Do Not Work In a Cloudy Day
Yes, they do. Although clouds and shade do affect solar energy generation rate, they still allow significant energy generation. If you are considering the cloudiest days, where Sun is barely visible under thick layer of clouds, you will still get 10 to 25 percent of the regular energy generation of your panels. For example, we can highlight incredible solar growth in Germany (40.85 GW capacity at the end of 2016), considering the country gets 1400 to 1900 hours of sunshine annually. Additionally, development of PERC, n-type, bifacial cells to maximise energy generation (with up to 17% module efficiency) promises to offer even better energy generation results.
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Myth no 3: Solar Energy is Expensive
Solar is considered to be the best economical investment that can bring significant ROI with consistent performance and low maintenance facilities. PV prices have seen drastic falls from $2.17/watt-$1.99/watt in 2010 to $1.42/watt in 2016 and predicted to stand at $0.30/Watt in 2017. Additionally, solar energy cost is falling continuously, leading consumers to go green, saving up on their electricity bills.
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Myth no 4: Solar Panels Need a Tracker to Work Right
Not necessarily. If solar panels are installed with an optimum angle/tilt (with the help of professionals, of course), they can easily generate huge amounts of energy without needing to change position. Opting for trackers will surely increase your energy yield; however, using them is not mandatory to get benefits from solar panels. With a tracker, 10 to 25% more energy can be harnessed based on geographic location. However, without it you will still generate your normal yield, minus the extra expense of buying a tracker and maintaining it.
Myth no 5: Installing Rooftop Solar Can Hamper the Load Bearing Capacity of the Roof
Due to lack of clarity on the installation process, consumers often consider going for community solar farms instead of installing solar panels on their roof. Rooftop solar installation process involves using mounts of varied design and profile, not only offering support and protection to your roof, but also providing styling choices. Obviously, these processes start after a thorough inspection of your roof by professionals, revealing the load bearing capacity of your roof. So, the whole process, is made to last and would certainly add to your comforts, and not the other way around.
An informed decision is the best step towards going solar, and information from credible sources helps eliminate the chances of mis-information and rumours seeping into our minds. At this juncture, where we are standing at the threshold of change, each one of us bears the burden of making the right choice to see our world thrive in future. So, let us accept and spread the truth to help everyone make the right decision regarding energy evolution.